Monday, January 02, 2006


it's been a strange week. Our luggage was lost somewhere between Dallas/Fort Worth and Los Angeles and we spent most of our arrival time at LAX wandering around luggage carousal #3 with the cheer squad from Allen, Texas (who was here for the Tournament Of Roses Parade.) The cheer squad traveled in a dense pack, all of them with ironed flat hair, all of them hyper-nervous and super-aware, thinking that every one of their motions was being watched by their peers along with all of the unknown eyes of Hollywood. And when the announcement came that our bags would not be coming to southern California anytime soon, this fog of 15 year old girls overtook the luggage claims booth, swallowing Kelvis and me up with it.

You have to understand that I have no internet access from my computer so I have to post from Kelvis's outpost downstairs. My intentions for this blog were lofty but my execution sucks. It reminds me of an old saying about the road to hell...


Blogger The Editor said...

So... are you sick? I was pretty amazed that Kelvis didn't come down with something on this trip as is the norm any time she goes on vacation.

How are the cats of doom?

10:45 PM  
Blogger Kelvis said...

Curb your amazement. I am a snot factory. I am certain one could paper the world with the tissues I have disgarded over the past few days. Sicky is as sicky does.

7:14 AM  
Blogger Tennessee Jed said...

Barabbs you can get a wireless router for around $40 and a wireless lan card for $20 (if you are using a laptop it may be built in) and set you up a little peer to peer network.

I hope you kids are feeling better soon.

11:05 AM  

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