Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Five Habits Of The Freshly Tagged

As long as no one is expecting me to be highly efficient, I'm more than happy to play along (although I have to be honest - I don't have five friends in real life, let alone know five people in cyberspace to tag. And I was recently involved in a similar Ponzi scheme involving scratch off lottery tickets and nine people and long story short, the pyramid is in shambles.)

Anyway, here's the nuts and bolts:

The first player of this game starts with the topic five weird habits of yourself, and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says You have been tagged (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.

So, let's see.

1. I love to be early. For anything. Like, really early. Like an hour or two. I am always the first person in the office in the morning so I'm the guy that warms up the copier, turns on the lights, does all of that. In fact, one day a few years back I came back from a few days off and overheard a co-worker of mine on the phone with the copier repair guy complaining that the "automatic turn on switch" was broken. She had assumed, somewhat accurately I suppose, that the machine somehow turned itself on in the morning. I let her down gently.

2. Whenever I am deplaning and we're all standing there in the aisle waiting for that unseen person to get their stupid rolling back down from the overhead, I make sure to inch closer and closer to the person in front of me. This doesn't really speed things up, but it sure is irritating!

3. I set and re-set my alarm clock at least a dozen times at night before finally going to bed. I think this has something to do with being late for something (see number 1.)

4. I like to look at pictures of cats online. I don't think that's really a habit, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

5. The sink must be wiped clean at all time. There's nothing I hate more than a sink with water everywhere. Ask Kelvis about my mortal enemy "Splashy Sink." Oh, how I loathe Splashy Sink. I will wipe him down whenever and wherever he appears, my only weapon a small, green wash cloth. But he is a wily foe. He haunts me...

So, there it is.


Blogger The Editor said...

Welome to the OCD club LA Barabbas.

Don't forget to wipe your feet... more than once... really well... um... maybe just take your shoes off.. yeah, and, um, just leave them outside... next to each other... No! No! No! With the toes pointing north, yeah, like that...

9:24 PM  
Blogger Kelvis said...

I was about to say, "you try being married to the guy who is always early" but it sounded, well, you know how it sounded.

10:42 PM  
Blogger The Editor said...

I really thought that you would speak about your ear plugs, LA Barabbas. Not that it is so much a weird habit as a necessary one.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Joe Powell said...

I wonder how many other machines you could convince that office worker that have an automatic switch? This could be a most entertaining game!

Oh by the way, the Dread of Splashy Sink was a minor sci-fi film of the 1950s, wasn't it? Maybe an episode of "Thriller" with Boris Karloff??

10:32 AM  

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